> 春节2024 > 大年三十你们还守岁吗英语




Today is New Year\'s Eve, the atmosphere is festive with people setting off fireworks on the streets. It\'s a time of celebration and joy as we bid farewell to the old year and welcome the new one.


The phrase \"守岁 (shǒu suì)\" in Chinese refers to the tradition of staying up all night on New Year\'s Eve. In English, we can translate it as \"observetheyearoutonNewYear\'sEve\" or \"stayupallnightonNewYear\'sEveand sitouttheyear\". This tradition originated from an interesting belief.


春节 (Chūn Jié) - The Spring Festival农历 (nóng lì) - lunar calendar正月 (zhēng yuè) - lunar January; the first month by lunar calendar除夕 (chú xī) - New Year\'s Eve


灯笼 (dēng lóng) - lantern戏曲 (xì qǔ) - traditional opera杂耍 (zá shuǎ) - variety show灯谜 (dēng mí) - riddles written on lanterns灯会 (dēng huì) - lantern festival


The English translation for \"放鞭炮\" (fàng biān pào) can be:1. Squibbing firecrackers2. Shoot off firecrackersThe phrase \"Shoot off\" means to explode or fire, and \"firecrackers\" refers to the small explosive devices that make a loud noise and create a burst of light.


The English translation for \"春节\" (Chūn Jié), commonly known as the \"Spring Festival\", is the most ceremonious traditional festival for the Chinese people. It is a time of grand celebrations and cultural traditions.


The English translation for \"春节\" (Chūn Jié) is the Spring Festival, which is the richest and most solemn traditional festival in China. It is a time of vibrant customs and cultural heritage, and it holds significant importance in Chinese culture.


One of the answers from the Baidu Certification Team 2018-06-30 suggests the following English translations for \"放鞭炮\" (fàng biān pào):1. Squibbing firecrackers2. Shoot off firecrackersThe phrase \"Shoot off\" means to explode or fire, and \"firecrackers\" refers to the small explosive devices that make a loud noise and create a burst of light.


贴春联 (tiē chūn lián) - put up New Year scrolls守岁 (shǒu suì) - staying up to welcome the New Year吃年夜饭 (chī nián yè fàn) - having the New Year\'s Eve dinner看花灯 (kàn huā dēng) - viewing lanterns拜年 (bài nián) - paying New Year\'s visits


穿新衣 (chuān xīn yī) - put on new clothes, Today her daughter puts on a new clothes. - 今天她女儿穿著件新衣.压岁钱 (yā suì qián) - lucky money / gift money春联 (chūn lián) - New Year scrolls / Spring Festival couplets吃饺子 (chī jiǎo zi) - eat dumplings